MC33931EKR2 NXP Electronic Components
The MC33931EKR2 is a monolithic H-bridge power IC in a robust thermally enhanced package. It is designed primarily for automotive electronic throttle control, but is applicable to any low voltage DC servo motor control application within the current and voltage limits stated in this specification.
The MC33931EKR2 H-bridge is able to control inductive loads with currents up to 5.0 A peak. RMS current capability is subject to the degree of heat sinking provided to the device package. Internal peak-current limiting (regulation) is activated at load currents above 6.5 A ± 1.5 A.
MC33931EKR2 NXP Electronic Components Features
Main product features
5.0 to 28 V continuous operation
3.0 V and 5.0 V TTL / CMOS logic compatible inputs
Overcurrent limiting (regulation) via internal constant-off-time PWM
Temperature dependent current limit threshold reduction
Product Application
Electronic throttle control (ETC)
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
Turbo flap control
Industrial and medical pumps and motor control
Keyword: chips manufacturing companies