TLE4250-2G Electronic Components
TLE4250-2G Electronic Components belongs to Low Dropout Voltage Tracking Regulator of infineon electronic components. The TLE4250-2 is a monolithic integrated low dropout voltage tracker in a tiny SMD package PG-SCT595-5 with excellent thermal resistance. It is designed to supply off-board loads (e.g. sensors) in automotive environment. The IC protects itself in case of overload, overtemperature, reverse polarity as well as output short circuit to battery and ground.
Supply voltages up to VI = 45 V are regulated to a reference voltage applied at the adjust input “ADJ” with high accuracy. The output “Q” is able to drive loads up to 50 mA. In order to reduce the quiescent current to a minimum, the TLE4250-2 can be switched to stand-by mode by setting the adjust/enable input “ADJ/EN” to “low”.
Product Features
Main product features
50 mA Output Current Capability
Tiny SMD-Package PG-SCT595-5 with lowest thermal resistance
Low Output Tracking Tolerance
Stable with Small Ceramic Output Capacitor
Keyword: transistor electronics